Boys Gymnastics Team

IGM Gymnastics' Boys Team follows the USAG competitive levels 4-10. The boys compete numerous times throughout each season which runs from December through April. The team also participates in many events, including IGM's annual Winter Carnival, City Parades, and team fundraisers.
Our team is by invite only and gymnasts are placed on our pre-team level 3 group before starting on our competitive team. Boys Team Coach(es) determine when and what level to place each athlete based on the following guidelines.
1. Consistent safe performance in the gym is essential before we allow routines in a competition setting. Consistency is shown within several weeks of time.
2. Is the child going to feel good about their performance and have a shot at a reward for their efforts?
3. The last factor is IGM's standards of quality. To move a gymnast up we look at what and how the skills are being performed, the work ethic, desire, and over all maturity of each gymnast.
If you have any further questions or would like to schedule an evaluation for your child please contact the gym at 952-898-3889 or by email: igm@igmgymnastics.com